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Monday - Friday  10 AM - 8 PM

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© 2023 Vet Steps Ltd.

Registered in England & Wales

VAT Number GB177242008

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Monday - Friday  10 AM - 8 PM

We reply to your messages

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© London.vet  Copyrights Vet Steps Ltd.

London, UK 



It's great to hear thank you

Gratitude matters

dog stone bladder issues vet veterinary urinary issues

Vets are people too!

One of our clients have gone above and beyond and brought us a basket of sweets and chocolates for everyone. Yes, she was happy that her dog's operation went well and wanted to express her gratitude, probably even not knowing how much it means for us.

We do try to do our best, but often we do not hear back from you.

Yes, we like sweets :)

Believe it or not but you in the vets you will hear sometimes: "I need chocolate" or "Mmm that chocolate saved my life". Being a vet can be demanding. Long hours, quick pace of work, constant pressure. With your thanks and some sweets, we're all going to make it!


Register with us

05 February 2022
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