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C-section for Peggy

Many happy puppies

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Peggy and her puggies

Yes, Peggy was a pug :) and she was special, her owner wanted to have even more cute adorable copies of her and decided to mate her with other good looking fellow.

Everyone was hoping that the puppies will come out smoothly when she started presenting typical signs of nesting, refused to eat, started panting and lost a mucous plug.  Owners have been very happy when first pup was out after couple of hours and expected another ones. She cleaned him nicely and started looking at them like it was it. "C'mon Peggy, you need to push a bit more, deliver other ones". Well, she was licking the puppy, looked very happy and proud, but not pushing anymore. After a couple over the phone consultations we strongly advised taht Peggy needs to be seen.

What have we done

When she arrived we had a chat with the owners once a again to confirm the mating times, how she behaved that day and discussed the risks for the puppies and Peggy. The owners didn't know how many puppies she supposed to have and decided to have a scan to make sure it won't be just that one and that the other guys are doing just fine. All looked good and at least another three more puppies had strong heart bits, were moving about, with one going backwards into the birth canal.

First we checked Peggy over and confirmed that she was fine to go under anaesthetic as a c-section seemed imminent. During the cervix examination we have been just able touch pup's legs, but still elected for a c-section as Peggy was not showing any signs of further delivery and it was her first pregnancy.

Peggy was surprisingly cooperative, allowed  us to induce her into GA with no fuss and soon enough the puppies have been out.  You should hear them squeal, calling: "mummy mummy, milk, milk".


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